Aswini Dia Aata 1Kg (Pack of 20)

 1,363.80 1,500.00 (-9%)

How to Use Aswini Dia Aata 1Kg

  1. Chapatis and Rotis: Take a portion of Aswini Dia Atta, knead it into a smooth dough using water, and roll out into thin discs. Cook on a hot griddle until lightly browned.
  2. Parathas and Puris: Prepare a stuffing of your choice, encase it in rolled-out Aswini Dia Atta dough, and cook until golden and crisp.
  3. Baked Goods: Replace a portion of regular flour with Aswini Dia Atta in your baking recipes to add nutritional value and a unique flavor.
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Aswini Dia Aata 1Kg from Thaneshop

Welcome to Thaneshop, your trusted source for quality food products. We are proud to offer Aswini Dia Atta, a nutritious and versatile flour blend that is perfect for all your cooking needs. Let’s explore the benefits and uses of Aswini Dia Atta in detail.

What is Aswini Dia Atta?

Aswini Dia Atta is a specially crafted flour blend that combines the goodness of various grains and pulses. It is designed to provide you with a wholesome and balanced diet while enhancing the flavor and texture of your dishes. Each pack contains 1 kg of Aswini Dia Atta, making it a convenient choice for your kitchen.

Key Features of Aswini Dia Atta

  1. Nutrient-Rich: Aswini Dia Atta is packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It helps in meeting your daily nutritional requirements and supports overall health.
  2. Versatile Usage: This flour blend can be used to make a wide range of dishes such as chapatis, rotis, parathas, puris, and even baked goods like cakes and cookies.
  3. Balanced Diet: By incorporating Aswini Dia Atta into your meals, you can enjoy a balanced diet that includes a variety of grains and pulses.
  4. Convenient Packaging: The pack of 20 ensures that you always have an ample supply of Aswini Dia Atta in your kitchen pantry.
  5. Health Benefits: Aswini Dia Atta contains ingredients like whole wheat flour, chickpea flour (besan), soy flour, oat flour, and flaxseed meal, which offer numerous health benefits such as improved digestion, weight management, and heart health.

Why Choose Aswini Dia Atta from Thaneshop?

  1. Quality Assurance: We source Aswini Dia Atta from reputable manufacturers who adhere to stringent quality standards.
  2. Freshness Guaranteed: Our products are stored and handled with care to ensure maximum freshness and quality.
  3. Customer Satisfaction: At Thaneshop, your satisfaction is our top priority.
  4. Value for Money: With Aswini Dia Atta, you get a pack of 20 kg at a competitive price, offering great value for money.

How to Use Aswini Dia Atta

  1. Chapatis and Rotis: Take a portion of Aswini Dia Atta, knead it into a smooth dough using water, and roll out into thin discs. Cook on a hot griddle until lightly browned.
  2. Parathas and Puris: Prepare a stuffing of your choice, encase it in rolled-out Aswini Dia Atta dough, and cook until golden and crisp.
  3. Baked Goods: Replace a portion of regular flour with Aswini Dia Atta in your baking recipes to add nutritional value and a unique flavor.

Transform Your Cooking Experience with Aswini Dia Atta

With Aswini Dia Atta from Thaneshop, you can elevate your cooking to new heights. Whether you’re preparing traditional Indian dishes or experimenting with new recipes, Aswini Dia Atta adds nutrition, flavor, and versatility to your meals. Order your pack of 20 kg Aswini Dia Atta today and embark on a journey of culinary delight!

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Aswini Dia Aata 1Kg (Pack of 20)

 1,363.80 1,500.00 (-9%)

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